We Loan, You Own

Get in touch

If you want to own your vehicle at the end of the lease term, with flexibility & no upfront cost, then this is the option for you.


The benefits of this option: 

Take advantage of our buying power!

You simply select a vehicle that works for you. We'll purchase this vehicle using our preferred supplier arrangements. We'll structure a finance package that matches your needs. We do not require a deposit and can provide a balloon payment to suit.

With this solution you own the vehicle, and you can add our Complete Fleet Management package if you wish. 


  • Flexible terms, no deposit requirements. Option of balloon payments to reduce monthly costs, tailored to suit individual requirements.
  • Certainty - fixed monthly payments.
  • Options - you take care of the maintenance, tyres, registration and RUC requirements. Alternatively, talk to us about adding the option of our fleet management services.
  • Interested in sustainable options? If you're looking to reduce your carbon footprint and want to transition some or all of your fleet to EVs or Hybrids, Yoogo Fleet's experts will help.



“We've been using Yoogo Fleet for the past 7 years and it's been one of the best business decisions we've made.”
Simon Morton, Managing Director, Cutshop